About Us

Quality Supported Living Services

At Alpha Care, we acknowledge that everyone is unique, and we respond accordingly to ensure quality of day-to-day life – even if an individual’s behaviour can be challenging. Our staff operate a system of person-centred planning and robust risk assessment, so we can guarantee your loved one is able to access opportunities and have fun.

By ensuring consistency in the delivery of the behavioural plan, Alpha Care believes that it is vital to reduce any unnecessary incidents. We strive to build the very best of relationships with those we’re privileged enough to be able to support. We are fortunate in being able to support service users providing support services for adults and young people with mental illness, learning disability and challenging behaviour to lead independent lives.

At Alpha Care, we create service users support plans once we have really got to know each person and built a clear understanding of their history, their current situation, and their future goals. We carry out in-depth conversations with the person, their family, and any relevant care professionals to make sure that we have all the necessary information and have taken the time to hear each person's views and wishes before we provide our support and care. Once a supported living support plan is in place, we regularly review progress, recognising and celebrating every achievement and continuing to encourage each person to set new goals to achieve even more.


What Clients Say About Our Supported Living Services

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For new bookings or any questions, please contact us

27 Old Gloucester St., LONDON, UK, WC1N 3AX


Tel. 0333 090 1356


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